Changing your dietary habits is the most important action you can take for losing weight and keeping it off. However, exercise shouldn’t be ignored as it can make weight-loss results more pronounced.
Fitness Trends Worth Checking Out in 2018
As the new year begins, many of us are thinking about resolutions and how best to achieve our fitness goals. Why not find out what the best fitness experts are telling their clients to do? [...]
How to Stay Fit in Your Prime
If you’re finding it more difficult to maintain your figure as you get older, you’re not alone.
Middle age brings many physical and physiological changes that can lead to weight gain and muscle loss, particularly for women.
Why Just One Night of Poor Sleep Impairs Athletic Recovery
Ever have trouble falling asleep on time after a hard workout? That lack of sleep – even for a single night – could slow your recovery from athletic training, a new study reports (1).
Exercise That HIITs Back at Aging
While the health benefits from all types of exercise are indisputable – and keep us feeling and looking younger – there are different types of exercise that stimulate various, but specific, age-defying responses in our bodies.
Podcast: How to Maximize Your Results
Dr. Paul Biondich explains the pros and cons of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), resistance training, and cardio and how to get maximum results from each. He also shares his tried-and-true nutritional protocol that he uses to train his elite athletes.
Fit After 50: Become a Better Athlete as You Age
The reality for the majority of athletes is that endurance and strength capacities decline with age. In general, you’re more likely to have decreased cardiac output, increased resting heart rate, and a diminished heart function.
Best Fat-Loss Tips for Athletes
When it comes to weight loss, athletes have different needs. Unlike the general population, an athlete’s goals are not focused exclusively on weight loss. While it’s good to watch the scale, what is most important is paying attention to body composition and performance markers.
Hit the Weights to Lose the Stubborn Weight
As far as you know, you’re doing everything right to keep losing weight. You’re hitting your calorie and activity targets. You’re on the treadmill every day. You’ve got Shake Days and Cleanse Days down to an art form, and you’re eating balanced meals and controlling your portions while also getting plenty of fruits and veggies daily.
High Intensity interval Training: May The Force Be With You
Most athletes are familiar with the Decade Rule. That is, you need to put in about 10,000 hours of training to approach mastery in any sport. That equals training for 20 hours every week for ten years.