Are You Working Out Hard Enough?

2018-03-16T10:31:30-07:00Athlete Nutrition, Performance, Team Isagenix|

Haven’t been noticing any results from your exercise routine? New research suggests that you might just not be working out hard or often enough. While it’s true that some people don’t respond as well to exercise as compared to others, a recent study confirms that there’s really no such thing as an exercise “nonresponder.”

Dr. Arciero: Protein Pacing for Athletic Performance

2018-03-16T10:39:25-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

Skidmore College researcher Dr. Paul Arciero is back on the show to discuss the results of the performance study he and his team conducted and the risk it posed Isagenix. Dr. Paul describes the PRISE protocol that was used in the performance study, how it works, and why it is so effective in all different kinds of athletes.
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