Ever wonder if NOx would be a good addition for your heart health but haven’t tried it yet? Or maybe you don’t know when to take it. Whatever your reason, we’ve put together a list of the most commonly asked questions to shed some light on how to incorporate NOx easily into any Isagenix System.
What is NOx?
NOx is a heart-healthy shot comprised of nitrate-rich vegetable extracts like beetroot and celery, and polyphenol-rich fruit extracts like grape and bilberry. Collectively, the dietary nitrates in NOx can be converted in your body to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide, a gas, can then function as a cell signal to increase blood flow and oxygen delivery to cells so your body—like your heart and cardiovascular system—can function more efficiently.
Beyond its cardiovascular benefits, can NOx support exercise performance?
Yes. Though NOx provides heart-healthy dietary nitrates, the supplement can also support your athletic goals by increasing stamina and energy. These benefits are primarily due to the same physiological processes that make NOx heart healthy.
When do I use NOx?
NOx can be taken at any time during the day or night to support your heart health. Studies have shown that nitrate-rich vegetable extracts can support nitric oxide production and blood flow for up to 24 hours, reaching peak concentration approximately two to three hours after ingestion.
Should I take NOx at the same time every day?
NOx is most beneficial with consistent daily use.
How often can I consume NOx?
NOx should not be consumed more than twice a day.
Who is NOx recommended for?
NOx is recommended for individuals over the age of 12. Children under the age of 12, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and individuals with medical conditions or prescribed pharmaceutical nitrates for cardiovascular benefits should check with their healthcare professional before consuming.
Does NOx contain any stimulants?
No, there are no stimulant ingredients in NOx.
Can I use NOx on a Cleanse Day?
Yes. At 30 calories per serving, the cardiovascular benefits of NOx can certainly be obtained on a Cleanse Day.
I always thought nitrates were bad. Is this true?
The health impacts of dietary nitrates depend on the source. Sodium nitrate is often added to processed meats as a preservative and has been linked to increased cardiovascular risk and other health concerns. Nitrates from processed meats are known to contribute to the formation of harmful compounds called nitrosamines, contributing to their negative health impacts.
Naturally occurring nitrates found in vegetables, such as the vegetable ingredients in NOx, have very different effects in the body. Vegetable-derived nitrate is converted to nitrite, a substance that promotes nitric oxide release and supports cardiovascular health. Unlike processed meat, nitrates from vegetables have a positive impact on health.