Healthy Aging2021-08-30T10:20:27-07:00


Circadian Rhythms Control Your Life

August 21st, 2015|

As did all life on Earth, humans evolved in concert with the rhythms of the light. The retinas of your eyes transmit the light to a biological clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the middle of your brain. The SCN then triggers thousands of physiological functions of hormones, nerves, muscles, organs, and brain 24 hours a day, lifelong (1,2).

Improving Men’s Health With Dr. Nick Messina

July 28th, 2015|

Dr. Messina talks about the latest statistics regarding men’s health. Things like nutrition, rest, stress, exercise, hydration, and much more. “It’s all about developing good habits and being consistent with those habits,” he says. Listen in as Dr. Messina shares his views on Isagenix products, supplementation, and his daily regimen.



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