Isagenix Clinical
Research Supports
Our Commitment
The Isagenix commitment to scientific research that adds to the understanding of the relationship between diet, nutrition, and health is one of the factors that sets the company apart.
By partnering with well-respected universities and laboratories in funding and conducting clinical studies, Isagenix is contributing to evidence-based nutrition research while providing clinical substantiation for Isagenix Systems for healthy weight loss and wholesome living.
Since its inception, Isagenix has led with science-backed products, and now will continue to put Isagenix products to the test in discovering how they can benefit lasting health.
Skidmore College Cleanse Day, Digestive Wellness, and Weight Loss Study
The Study

Intermittent fasting two days versus one day per week, matched for total energy intake and expenditure, increases weight loss in overweight/obese men and women
“While both groups experienced favorable reductions in hunger and improved satiety, participants who fasted for two consecutive days reported significantly less hunger than those fasting one day per week, which was a completely unexpected benefit of an additional full day of fasting.”
- Paul Arciero, Ph.D., FACSM, FTOS
Results of the Study
Key findings after four weeks comparing one vs. two Cleanse Days as part of an Isagenix system:
- Participants who fasted for two consecutive days compared to one day per week experienced greater weight loss, even though total weekly calories were similar for both groups.
- Participants in both groups experienced impressive benefits whether they fasted for one or two days per week.
- The two-day-a-week Cleanse Day group reduced their body weight by 7% and their total body fat by 6%, while the one-day-a-week Cleanse Day group lost 5% and 4.5%, respectively.
- Both groups significantly reduced hunger levels, including their desire to eat (44%) and the quantity of food wanting to eat (30%).
- Both groups had significant improvements in lean body mass (3.5% increase) and cardiovascular and metabolic health markers, including blood pressure, lipids such as cholesterol, and blood glucose.

Exploratory analysis of one versus two-day intermittent fasting protocols on the gut microbiome and plasma metabolome in adults with overweight/obesity
“This study revealed that both intermittent fasting protocols led to beneficial shifts in the participants’ gut microbiome. Interestingly, the two-Cleanse Day protocol significantly reduced the participants’ experience of gastrointestinal symptoms, while neither group reported stomach upset or bowel irregularity. These findings add gut microbiome benefits to the many previously reported benefits of the Isagenix weight loss system.”
- Dr. Eric Gumpricht, Director of Research and Science and study co-author
Key findings for digestive health after four weeks comparing one vs two Cleanse Days as part of an Isagenix system:
- An association between an individual’s baseline microbiome profile and body fat loss following four weeks on the Isagenix system.
- Both intermittent fasting protocols significantly altered the gut microbiome towards a more “gut healthy” favorable profile.
- The two-day Cleanse Day protocol significantly reduced gastrointestinal symptoms compared to the participants’ baseline symptoms before beginning the study; neither protocol increased gastrointestinal problems.

Intermittent fasting and protein pacing are superior to caloric restriction for weight and visceral fat loss
“Like the previous two weight loss studies, this study supports a comprehensive overall health and wellness improvement in overweight or obese individuals following an Isagenix weight loss system and further supports the importance of the system's intermittent fasting contribution, via Cleanse Days, to these benefits.”
- Dr. Eric Gumpricht, Director of Research and Science and study co-author
Key findings after 8 weeks of following an Isagenix system, compared to the heart-healthy diet:
- 64% greater weight loss in the Isagenix group (18 lbs vs. 11 lbs) compared to the heart-healthy group.
- 71% greater total body fat loss (3.4% vs. 1.8% )
- More than twice as much visceral (deep belly) fat loss (1.3 lbs vs. 0.7 lbs) in the Isagenix group.
- 40% greater reduction in the “desire to eat” response in the Isagenix group.
- 84% increase in the proportion of lean body mass for Isagenix (3.4%) compared to the heart-healthy group (1.8%).
- Both groups observed improvements in cardiovascular and metabolic markers, such as plasma lipids, with no differences between groups. Plasma hormones were not affected by either intervention.

Gut microbiome remodeling and metabolomic profile improves in response to protein pacing with intermittent fasting versus continuous caloric restriction
Principal investigator and Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Paul J. Arciero, PhD, states, “Our groundbreaking findings provide compelling new evidence that Isagenix’s combination of high-protein shakes – incorporating protein pacing - and intermittent fasting are ideal for improving gut health, reducing gut issues, and modifying plasma metabolites and proteins favorable for weight and visceral (belly) fat decreases.”
Key findings after 8 weeks of following an Isagenix system:
- A more pronounced and favorable modification of the gut microbiome with Isagenix compared to the heart-healthy diet. This beneficial gut modification was due to the types of microbes altered.
- The Isagenix system was associated with changes in the plasma metabolome reflecting improvements in fat oxidation (fat burning) pathways and overall metabolic health.
- Similarly, there were increases in cytokine proteins linked to fat burning, weight loss, inflammation, and immune responses.
- Significant reductions in gastrointestinal symptoms – such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhea – from individuals following Isagenix compared to the heart-healthy diet.
Key Products used in the Study
Skidmore College Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance Study
The Study

Protein-Pacing Caloric-Restriction Enhances Body Composition Similarly in Obese Men and Women during Weight Loss and Sustains Efficacy during Long-Term Weight Maintenance
“These were very impressive findings and clearly established our protein-pacing and intermittent fasting diet regimen as an effective short- and long-term strategy to promote healthy body weight, abdominal and visceral fat mass loss as well as enhanced metabolism and cardiovascular health compared to other commonly prescribed diets.”
- Paul Arciero, Ph.D., FACSM, FTOS
Results of the Study
Key findings after 12 weeks of following the Isagenix System:
- Men and women lost weight equally
- 20% reduction in fat mass
- 9% increase in lean body weight percentage
- Cardiovascular health markers significantly improved
- 33% increase in total PCBs released from fat stores
- 25% decrease in oxidative stress
- 5% increase in total antioxidant capacity
Key findings after 52 weeks comparing weight maintenance with an Isagenix System vs. a heart-healthy diet:
- The Isagenix group maintained weight loss and continued to lose body fat and abdominal fat
- The Isagenix group continued to increase lean body mass percentage
- The Isagenix group maintained improved cardiovascular health markers
- The heart-healthy group returned to baseline (original state) or trended toward baseline for all markers despite their lower average calorie intake
- The ease of use and flexibility of the Isagenix System contributed to long-term compliance and success
- 20% greater decrease in PCB release in the heart-healthy group compared to the Isagenix group

Comparison of High-Protein, Intermittent Fasting Low-Calorie Diet and Heart Healthy Diet for Vascular Health of the Obese
"The novel findings from this study may very well revolutionize how we prescribe weight-loss diets moving forward because of the increase in proportion of lean muscle and drastic reductions in abdominal and visceral fat mass during initial weight loss and the ability to maintain these favorable changes over the long term.”
- Paul Arciero, Ph.D., FACSM, FTOS

Serum Polychlorinated Biphenyls Increase and Oxidative Stress Decreases with a Protein-Pacing Caloric Restriction Diet in Obese Men and Women
“We have scientific evidence that it’s the quality of your diet that matters. Through diet, we can favorably support the detoxification process, oxidative stress levels and blood vessel health, and enhance weight loss.”
- Paul Arciero, Ph.D., FACSM, FTOS
University of Illinois at Chicago Weight Loss Study
The Study

Intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese women
“The bottom line is that this is a well-designed, scientifically sound protocol that was carried out at a major university research center by a skilled, published researcher. This was not the common observational study that is often seen when evaluating nutritional products.”
- Nicholas Messina, M.D., Isagenix Scientific Advisory Board member
Results of the Study
Compared to a heart-healthy diet, participants who followed an Isagenix system for 8 weeks achieved:
- 56% more weight loss
- 47% more fat loss
- Twice as much visceral (deep abdominal) fat loss
- Better improvements in cardiovascular health markers
- Better adherence to Isagenix Systems
Key Product Used in the Study
IsaLean™ Protein Shake

Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an intermittent fasting/calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations
“The 10-week study demonstrated clear, clinical validation for the use of an Isagenix System, which showed superior results when compared with a heart-healthy dietary plan based on nationally recognized guidelines.”
- Krista Varady, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of nutrition at UIC’s College of Applied Sciences
Collagen Elixir™ Study
The Study

Anti-Aging Effects of Hydrolyzed Collagen Beverage with Herbal Extracts on Facial Skin: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial
"This randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study provides scientific evidence for all the anecdotal reports of Collagen Elixir’s skin health benefits.”
- Dr. Eric Gumpricht, Director of Research and Science and study co-author
Results of the Study
Key findings after consuming Collagen Elixir daily for 4 weeks compared to a placebo beverage:
- 100% of participants had increased facial collagen density
- 70% of participants experienced a measurable decrease in fine lines and wrinkles
- Significant increases in skin moisture and elasticity
- Decreased hyperpigmentation with a reduction in visible and UV spots, compared to participant’s baseline measurements
Key Product Used in the Study
Collagen Elixir
e+ Study
The Study

Caffeine-Containing, Adaptogenic-Rich Drink Modulates the Effects of Caffeine on Mental Performance and Cognitive Parameters: A Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Trial
"e+ shots provide gradual increases in feelings of energy compared to synthetic caffeine and may have the potential to have longer lasting effects than synthetic caffeine alone.”
- Ali Boolani, Ph.D., Clarkson University
Results of the Study
Key findings of the study:
- e+ significantly improved cognitive reaction time (a quicker response) compared to a beverage that contained synthetic caffeine
- e+ Shot preferentially benefited individuals with initial low mental and physical energy status and high mental fatigue compared to caffeine alone
Key Product used in the Study
The Study

Trait Energy and Fatigue Modify Acute Ingestion of an Adaptogenic-Rich Beverage on Neurocognitive Performance
"Our findings suggest that e+ Shot was most beneficial for individuals who are typically low energy or high fatigue, both mental and physical.”
- Ali Boolani, Ph.D., Clarkson University
Skidmore College Performance Men’s Study
The Study

Multi-modal exercise training and protein-pacing enhances physical performance adaptations independent of growth hormone and BDNF but may be dependent on IGF-1 in exercise-trained men
“To be honest, this was a huge risk on the part of Isagenix because the likelihood of detecting fitness and performance differences in highly trained individuals is very low.”
- Paul Arciero, Ph.D., FACSM, FTOS
Results of the Study
Key findings after 12 weeks comparing increased protein with Isagenix products vs. lower protein intake with supermarket brands:
- Two times more upper body strength
- 14 times more lower body explosive power
- Four times more aerobic (cardio) power
- Three times more lower back and hamstring muscle flexibility
Key Products used in the Study
IsaLean™ Performance Protein, Tri-Release Protein, E+™, Hydrate
Skidmore College Performance Women’s Study
The Study

Protein-Pacing and Multi-Component Exercise Training Improves Physical Performance Outcomes in Exercise-Trained Women: The PRISE 3 Study
“The study’s results demonstrate that receiving quality nutrition from Isagenix products can make a major difference for getting maximum return on investment from working out”
- Eric Gumpricht, Ph.D., Isagenix Manager of Research and Science
Results of the Study
Key findings after 12 weeks comparing increased protein with Isagenix product vs. lower protein intake with supermarket brands:
- Twice the upper body muscular endurance
- Twice the core muscular endurance
- Five times the upper body explosive strength and power
- Five times less arterial stiffness (measure of cardiovascular health)
Key Products used in the Study
IsaLean PRO Shake, IsaPro® Whey Protein, E+™, AMPED™ Hydrate
AMPED Nitro Study
The Study

Effects of multi-ingredient preworkout supplements on physical performance, cognitive performance, mood state, and hormone concentrations in recreationally active men and women.
"These results of improved exercise performance are particularly impressive considering the fitness of our subjects.”
- Brian J. Martin, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Results of the Study
Key findings compared to a calorie-matched placebo beverage:
- Both AMPED Power and AMPED Nitro increased anaerobic power and vascular blood flow
- AMPED Nitro increased aerobic endurance (VO2 Peak time)
- Three times more lower back and hamstring muscle flexibility
Key Products used in the Study
Pilot Studies
In addition to full-scale clinical research for publication in scientific journals, Isagenix conducts pilot studies in partnership with independent researchers to gather preliminary evidence for the benefits of our products. Pilot studies are a part of the scientific process for clinical research and are the first step before launching a full-scale study. Find out more about the exciting results of our pilot studies here.
Isagenix Science Roundup
The news generated by scientific studies funded by Isagenix has gained interest from popular media around the web. Here’s a roundup of some of our favorite articles that have appeared related to results in performance and weight loss.
*The views expressed by the authors of the linked articles are not necessarily those of Isagenix.