Podcast: CytoActives™ Updates
Isagenix Manager of Research and Science Dr. Eric Gumpricht discusses the newly released formulations of both the Complete Essentials™ Daily Pack and CytoActives™, including what has changed and the breakthrough science behind it.
Podcast: Snack Smarter With White Cheddar Whey Thins
What you snack on can make or break your weight-loss goals. New White Cheddar Whey Thins™ are perfect for keeping you on track. Product Education Supervisor Sara Richter explains what to look for nutritionally in a snack and how Whey Thins fit the bill. She also dives into the basics of "protein pacing" and how Whey Thins can be used to support a cleansing protocol for weight loss.
Podcast: Get to Know the New IsaLean Bar Dairy-Free
Have you tried the new dairy-free Chocolate Peanut Butter and Chocolate Berry Bliss IsaLean® Bars? Isagenix Product Education Supervisor Sara Richter breaks down what makes IsaLean Bar Dairy-Free a nutritionally sound, complete meal replacement.
Podcast: What Men Should Know About Their Health
Listen up, fellas! You should know more about what you can do to protect yourself against some of men’s top health concerns. Listen in as Isagenix Scientific Advisory Board member Nicholas Messina, MD, shares his simple formula based on the latest scientific research for leading a healthy, masculine-energized lifestyle.
Five Isagenix Quality Practices You Can Count On!
Knowing what you are putting into your body is essential for good health. Listen as Director of Science Communications David Despain M.Sc., details the processes in place to ensure that every ingredient in Isagenix products is absolutely safe and of the highest quality. By putting this much care into no-compromise quality assurance standards, Isagenix does right by its customers and their health.
Endurance Athletes
Are you preparing for your next marathon? Endurance athlete and Isagenix Millionaire Susan Sly shares her tips for utilizing the new AMPED™ Products during your run. Susan opens ups about the highs and lows of her career as an elite athlete and how Isagenix refueled her fire to start competing again.