How to Build Muscle With Isagenix

2018-03-12T08:34:30-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

The actual size of your muscle comes down to a simple equation called “protein turnover,” which is the sum of muscle breakdown and synthesis. When you deprive your body of dietary protein and stop providing a weight-bearing stimulus, you have a negative protein balance, leading to the breakdown of muscle (1).

Your New High-Intensity Training Pre-Workout Stack

2018-03-16T14:51:04-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

When you want your body ready for the ultimate high-intensity workout, the right preparation can make a big difference. You want a pre-workout stack that includes the right ingredients, comes in the right dosage, and is backed by science. AMPED™ NOx, AMPED Power, and e+™ work together to power you up before a workout. The two AMPED products and e+ each provide their own unique benefits that complement one another.

How to Use Each Product to Achieve Your Goals

2018-04-12T16:12:37-07:00Multimedia, Performance, Science Talks, Team Isagenix|

The new Performance Line, AMPED™, is a system designed to enhance your workout from beginning to end. Each product is scientifically developed for each phase of your workout—before, during, and after. Isagenix Product Education Supervisor, Sara Richter answers some of your most commonly asked questions about AMPED. Listen in as she explains how to use each product to achieve your goals.
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