Fitness + Well-Being2022-05-17T10:21:13-07:00

Fitness + Well-Being

AMPED Recover 101

AMPED Recover is the AMPED Product you will use after your workout, and is the focus on the final of the four part series of podcasts on the new Performance Line. “You need to think of AMPED Recover as the trigger, and IsaPro as the building blocks that create muscle,” says Research Nutritionist Alex Mohr, M.Sc. CSCS. Find out more about what makes AMPED Recover such a critical supplement for athletes, regardless of their sport, for optimal performance.

Should You Still Be Doing Cardio?

During the 80s and 90s and the era of Jane Fonda workouts and Tae Bo, aerobics were in and weightlifting was out. How the tables have turned today. Now it’s all about being strong, not skinny. Having bigger arms, more definition, and rock-hard abs i

3 Ways To Get More Isagenix Greens, Daily

Not only does Isagenix Greens™ makes a great-tasting beverage on its own, but it can also be used in different ways to pack your diet with those phytonutrients woefully absent from most Americans’ diets. For most of the U.S. population the average intake of vegetables is only about two servings per day (1).

Can You Turn Fat Into Muscle?

This question is more common than you may think: Can you turn body fat into muscle? The answer is simple—no. At least, you can’t change body fat into muscle directly. However, indirectly, you can work to burn fat and replace it with muscle. To fully explain how this works, we need to explain how resistance exercise leads to building muscle.

AMPED Power 101

In the second of a four part series on the new Performance Line, Alex Mohr, M.Sc. and CSCS take a closer look at the science behind AMPED Power. The pre-workout period is all about preparing the body with readily available energy, supporting blood flow, and enhancing focus. The special mixture of ingredients in AMPED Power address each one of those.

Eat More Protein, Sleep Better, Burn More Fat

Having a hard time falling asleep on some or most nights? It could be affecting your weight. But new research suggests that eating more protein while reducing your calories can improve sleep while assisting you with achieving greater fat loss (1).

Learn more about products that help you feel better.

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