Fitness + Well-Being
Calcium: You May Not be Getting Enough
Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body, necessary to support the function and structure of bones and teeth, as well as a multitude of metabolic functions.
It’s Time to Ditch Your Worthless Stretching Routine for “Dynamic” Stretching
Don’t forget to stretch—that’s the advice that has been passed down for years from sport coaches. First and foremost, their goal was undoubtedly to prevent any possible injuries to the athlete and to enhance performance.
Adaptogens Help You Lift More Weight Too
Athletes who are in the habit of swigging a shot of Isagenix e+ just before workouts or an Ionix Supreme afterward might find that these products are giving them a little extra boost to performance too.
Work Your Leg Muscles to Save Your Brain
Try this simple test: Sit down on the ground and get up using only your legs. Don’t rush, but see if you can do it without using your hands, elbows, or knees. If you’re successful at this exercise even after age 40, it could mean that you and your brain are aging more gracefully than most.
What Happens to Your Body on a Cleanse Day
Have you wondered what happens to your body on an Isagenix Cleanse Day? While researchers commonly use the term “intermittent fasting” to describe the basic concept, an Isagenix Cleanse Day is a nutritionally supported fast that will help you feel nourished and energized, instead of deprived or run-down. No, there are no laxatives or diuretics involved.
Should You Take AMPED Power and e+ Shot Together?
Saying you’ll exercise more is easier said than done. Once you’ve managed to get to the gym, the next difficult step is making sure your workout is intense and long enough. To ensure you’re getting the most out of your workout, a pre-workout product with a powerful boost to get you to the gym and through a difficult workout is key.