Fitness + Well-Being
When Normal Shake Days Aren’t Enough
For athletes on an Isagenix System, two IsaLean® or IsaLean PRO Shakes and the suggested third meal are sometimes not enough to improve performance. If you fall within this category, here are a few tips to keep in mind when making adjustments to your nutrition plan.
Enjoy Your Holiday Treats Without Packing On The Pounds
Everything in moderation, right? Well that’s only half of what Nutrition Communications Specialist Lindsay Gnant M.Sc., RDN joins our Podcast to tell you. Look, it’s nearly impossible to avoid all of the goodies surrounding you this holiday season, but that doesn’t mean you need to cave in and overeat them every day from Thanksgiving to New Years.
Could Melatonin Help Women Build More Muscle and Burn More Fat?
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain and because it helps modulate sleep quality, it’s frequently used as a dietary supplement to lessen abnormal sleep patterns (1). However, a recent study suggests that melatonin may also assist in supporting weight management and muscle gain (2).
Why Whey After Exercise?
When you’re depleted of nutrients after a hard workout, the rate at which you can deliver essential amino acids to your bloodstream could be key to switching on the muscle building process. Because whey protein is [...]
How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
The holiday season is a time for fun and celebration. Unfortunately, it’s also a time for overindulgences that often lead to weight gain. As festivities draw near, it’s important to plan accordingly to have an enjoyable holiday season without packing on unwanted pounds.
Nutrient Timing For Optimal Performance With Isagenix
If you’re going to work out, why not make the most of it with optimized nutrition! The nutrients you provide your body and when you take them, known as “nutrient timing,” can significantly affect how your body responds to exercise (1). The nutrient timing of food and supplements can be broken down into three distinct phases: pre-workout, mid-workout, and post-workout.