Fitness + Well-Being
Podcast: Diets Fail. Isagenix Works. Here’s Why.
Trainer: David Despain, M.Sc., Director of Science Communications Millions of people each year make the same New Year’s resolution: get healthier through dieting. Sadly, diets fail, and so this resolution’s failure rate [...]
Shake Off The Weight
Essential to successful weight loss and weight maintenance is the adoption of day-to-day dietary strategies that promote a long-term adherence to a healthy diet. This also happens to be where most people get it wrong. [...]
Whey Benefits Extend Far Beyond Just Giving You Bigger Muscles
Athletes spend an inordinate amount of time and effort in the name of making progress. But there's one thing every athlete dreads… getting injured or getting sick. This means time off from practices, training and [...]
How to Customize Isagenix Shake Days for Athletes Seeking Fat Loss
Athletes walk a fine line when it comes to losing weight without negatively affecting performance or training gains. Cut calories too low and performance will suffer, muscle mass may be lost, and you might be [...]
Why Use Whey Protein to Break Your Cleanse Day
One of the principal findings of clinical studies around intermittent fasting with Isagenix-style Cleanse Days is that it can be an efficient method to accelerate fat loss and improve health markers (1-3). However, especially for the physically [...]
Why Cleansing with Isagenix Works
Even with weight loss clinics readily available, calorie counts on menus, and public policy initiatives aimed at supporting a healthier population, people are struggling to lose weight and keep it off. Of the 45 million [...]