Fitness + Well-Being
Citrus Bioflavonoids: The Perfect Complement to C-Lyte
Adding to the antioxidant protection of vitamin C, C-Lyte® now features citrus bioflavonoids. When it comes to antioxidant protection, variety is key. Vitamin C along with vitamins E and A are essential antioxidant [...]
Podcast: Weight Loss 101
Have you changed up your diet only to hit a weight-loss plateau? Do you think you’re eating healthy, but can’t seem to drop pounds? Research nutritionist Katie Coles is here to help. In [...]
How to be a Better Cleanse Coach
Use your personal experience to motive others on Cleanse Days. Cleansing can be a confusing and intimidating experience. When people think of cleansing, they imagine weeklong bouts of starvation or uncomfortable colon cleanses. [...]
Could Whey Protein Before or With Meals Help Control Blood Sugar?
Studies show consuming whey protein before or with meals can improve blood sugar management. One of the keys to a healthier, longer life is sustaining healthy blood sugar. Managing blood sugar is different [...]
Podcast: Is Low-Fat Best? Do Fat Burners Work?
Healthy fats are vital for optimal nutrition, and you’ll learn why in this podcast by Isagenix Nutrition Communications Specialist Gillean Barkyoumb, MS, RD. She’ll share why “fat-free” is not always best and debunk fat myths, [...]
Podcast: Debunking Sugar Myths
Listen in as Research Nutritionist Katie Coles debunks sugar myths and shares the facts based on science and studies. She’ll touch on low-glycemic foods and what types of sugars Isagenix uses within meal [...]