Fitness + Well-Being
SmartMix FAQ
What is SmartMix? SmartMix® is a moringa- and chicory root-infused prebiotic supplement with a light tropical flavor. Prebiotics are fibers that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine to support your digestive [...]
Premium Tea FAQ
What is Premium Tea? Premium Tea is a delicious blend of traditional Eastern and Western herbal ingredients that aids digestion and acts as a natural laxative. It supports overall digestive health and helps to calm [...]
What Are Vitamers?
While you might think of a vitamin like vitamin C as a single molecule, every vitamin is actually a family of related molecules that share a common function in the body. The members of a [...]
Ingredient Spotlight: Mangosteen
Looking for a perfect superfruit and phytonutrient infusion to complement any Isagenix System as well as one you can enjoy on your Cleanse Day? Look no further. Now, with Xango® and Xango Reserve, Isagenix users [...]
All About Gluten
More people than ever are choosing gluten-free options, but if you haven’t given it much thought before, you might be wondering what exactly gluten is and if it can be harmful to your health. What [...]
Healthy Skin From The Inside Out
The effects of sun damage can seem subtle at first but add up over time. Thankfully, there are simple steps you can take to help nourish and protect healthy skin. When you’re out enjoying a [...]