Fitness + Well-Being2022-05-17T10:21:13-07:00

Fitness + Well-Being

Don’t Let ‘Hanger’ Get the Best of You

What do you call hunger mixed with anger? “Hanger.” Being hangry can lead to unhealthy snacking. Hanger can happen to anyone. Feeling irritable and short-tempered is a natural result of hunger. In fact, it’s a part of our brain chemistry. The same mechanisms that manage our feelings of hunger also have an impact on our mood and emotions.

How to Avoid Snacking That’s Naughty

If you’re like the average partygoer, self-control goes out the door when the holiday season comes around. Festive gatherings offer opportunities to indulge in sweet treats and enjoy traditional dishes, most of which are plentiful [...]

Why Metabolism Matters for Weight Loss

Although factors outside of your control like genetics and age have an impact, there’s a lot you can do to support your metabolism to help you achieve your weight loss goals. What Is Metabolism? Metabolism [...]

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