Fitness + Well-Being2022-05-17T10:21:13-07:00

Fitness + Well-Being

The Beauty of Muscle

Muscles are visually pleasing, but they also have a deep inner beauty you should know about. Skeletal muscle is versatile, playing a critical role in movement, posture, breathing, circulation, and temperature regulation. Less known is [...]

4 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste

Wasted food is a bigger problem than most of us realize. Globally, about one-third of food products end up in the trash every year, which is why taking simple steps to prevent food waste can [...]

Podcast: Q&A With Dr. Paul Arciero

  Research and Development Scientist Alex Mohr and Dr. Paul Arciero call on their backgrounds in research to provide evidence-based answers to commonly asked questions. They cover a wide range of topics, such [...]

Podcast: All About IsaLean Shakes

  Registered dietitian Lindsay Gnant is on the call to discuss what makes IsaLean Shakes such a nutritious option and why they’re a key part of Shake Days. She breaks down everything you [...]

4 Ways to Avoid Regaining Weight

For many people, the most challenging part of a weight loss journey is keeping the weight off. Isagenix products are designed to make the transition from weight loss to weight maintenance much easier. Research shows [...]

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