Fitness + Well-Being
Podcast: All About IsaLean Shakes
Registered dietitian Lindsay Gnant is on the call to discuss what makes IsaLean Shakes such a nutritious option and why they’re a key part of Shake Days. She breaks down everything you [...]
4 Ways to Avoid Regaining Weight
For many people, the most challenging part of a weight loss journey is keeping the weight off. Isagenix products are designed to make the transition from weight loss to weight maintenance much easier. Research shows [...]
Don’t Let Post-Workout Snacks Sabotage Your Weight Loss Goals
Have you ever had a great workout, only to overcompensate and eat more calories than you burned with your post-workout snack? Next time, making your snack choice prior to your workout may help stave off [...]
Why Isagenix Isn’t a Fad Diet
Fad or miracle diets are those that make unrealistic claims that aren’t supported by scientific evidence. Their popularity is usually driven by misguided mass media coverage, which creates hype for the newest cure-all solution. These [...]
Are You Drinking Too Much Water?
Athletes know proper hydration is essential for athletic performance but drinking too much water can be just as serious as not drinking enough. The advice to hydrate is repeated so often that it’s common at [...]
Ingredient Spotlight: Eucalyptus
The eucalyptus tree was one of the most valued botanical resources for Indigenous Australians. Eucalyptus was used not only in food and medicine but also in the manufacture of utensils. Eucalyptus oil is the main [...]