Fitness + Well-Being
Put Your Best Fork Forward for Your Third Meal
March is the time of year when the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages everyone to celebrate National Nutrition Month®, and this year’s theme, “Put Your Best Fork Forward,” is meant to remind us to make healthier choices, one bite at a time.
Should Athletes Really Ditch Carbs?
If you’ve ever seen cyclists chowing down on pastries or runners inhaling spaghetti, then you’ve noticed their preference for carbs. Sports nutrition has centered on carb-rich diets for decades with the intention of maximizing energy stores.
Nutrient in the Spotlight: Niacin
Niacin, or vitamin B3, is one of the eight B-complex water-soluble vitamins. Niacin is a hard-working nutrient that supports many vital functions like metabolism and overall cardiovascular health (1). Niacin is found naturally in two different forms, nicotinic acid and niacinamide, each with slightly different characteristics.
Dr. Arciero: Protein Pacing for Athletic Performance
Skidmore College researcher Dr. Paul Arciero is back on the show to discuss the results of the performance study he and his team conducted and the risk it posed Isagenix. Dr. Paul describes the PRISE protocol that was used in the performance study, how it works, and why it is so effective in all different kinds of athletes.
Why Drinking a Post-Run Shake Can Keep You Injury-Free
If you’re a runner, drinking a protein shake after an exhaustive workout can help protect your bones, reduce your risk of a stress fracture, and help you train multiple times a day. Long, grueling bouts of exercise can be pretty tough on your skeleton.
Should You Always Avoid Foods With Long Ingredients Lists?
The length of an ingredient list is probably not the best measure of how a formulated food’s nutritional merit should be judged, but it’s easy to understand why it’s become commonplace.