Fitness + Well-Being
Why Drinking a Post-Run Shake Can Keep You Injury-Free
If you’re a runner, drinking a protein shake after an exhaustive workout can help protect your bones, reduce your risk of a stress fracture, and help you train multiple times a day. Long, grueling bouts of exercise can be pretty tough on your skeleton.
Should You Always Avoid Foods With Long Ingredients Lists?
The length of an ingredient list is probably not the best measure of how a formulated food’s nutritional merit should be judged, but it’s easy to understand why it’s become commonplace.
Dr. Arciero: Losing Weight & Keeping it Off
Get to know Dr. Paul Arciero the scientist behind the most recent weight maintenance and performance studies conducted at Skidmore College, as well as a new addition to the Isagenix Scientific Advisory Board.
What Your Scale Is Really Telling You
If your goal is weight loss, it can be easy to celebrate when you see the number on the scale fall by a few pounds one day, then worry when the scale jumps by a pound or two the next day. But what do these short-term fluctuations in weight really tell you?
Why You Should Always Work Out With a Friend
Working out with a partner can help you stay committed and motivated. Whether you are a regular gym-goer or just getting started, working out with a friend could be a big help. Not convinced?
7 Nutrients to Feed Flexible Muscles
If skeletal muscle is the organ of movement, then muscle flexibility is its base for function. Without range of movement (as athletes know too well) strength and power amount to very little. Lack of flexibility also leads to muscle stiffness and soreness.