Fitness + Well-Being
Weight Maintenance: The Most Important Part of Weight Loss
There are countless strategies people use to lose weight. Almost any of these approaches can work for a short time, but the most crucial part of weight loss is keeping it off. On average, one third of Americans attempt to lose weight each year.
Resisting Workplace ‘Food Altars’—Look to the Water Cooler
For busy professionals, the simple act of walking down an office corridor or into a break room can cause damage to any healthy eating plan. There runs the risk of passing by a “food altar,” which appear to materialize out of nowhere, offering goodies—usually in the form of cookies, birthday cake, or leftover bagels and doughnuts from executive meetings—in a seemingly deliberate attempt to sabotage your weight-loss goals.
Your Handbook to Keeping off the Holiday Pounds
The holiday season is a wonderful time to get together with loved ones and enjoy some of your favorite meals. But, it can also be a time when many overindulge, setting weight-loss and health goals aside.
What to Eat On Your Rest Day
Your rest days are a chance for your muscles and tendons to recover from physical training and also provide a refreshing mental break. Many athletes report feeling more motivated and energized after rest days, so it is important to include them as part of your routine.
Is Holiday Overeating Responsible for Your Annual Weight Gain?
Are your efforts to lose weight during the year being thwarted by weight gained during the holiday season? Obesity in adults is generally attributed to a small prolonged increase in energy intake and a decrease in energy expenditure that results in a gradual year-to-year weight gain.
Study Finds Isagenix Products Improve Men’s Athletic Performance
A new study has found that when physically fit men used Isagenix products to boost their protein intake and improve their nutrition when training, they significantly enhanced their muscular power, strength, aerobic performance, and flexibility.