Fitness + Well-Being
Power Napping for Brain Power
Napping may be thought of as being unproductive and lazy, but it’s one of the most effective ways to restore your brain’s power. Scientific studies have found that napping can restore wakefulness, promote learning, boost memory, reverse the hormonal impact of a night of poor sleep, and reduce stress.
How to Build Muscle With Isagenix
The actual size of your muscle comes down to a simple equation called “protein turnover,” which is the sum of muscle breakdown and synthesis. When you deprive your body of dietary protein and stop providing a weight-bearing stimulus, you have a negative protein balance, leading to the breakdown of muscle (1).
Science Just Made Creatine an Even Bigger Deal for Strength and Power
When it comes to the type of scientific studies that are published, not all are created equal. At Isagenix, we know a good study when we see it. And a great study just came out on creatine.
Podcast: How to Maximize Your Results
Dr. Paul Biondich explains the pros and cons of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), resistance training, and cardio and how to get maximum results from each. He also shares his tried-and-true nutritional protocol that he uses to train his elite athletes.
Endurance Athletes: Are You Getting Enough Carbohydrates?
Lately carbohydrates have been getting a bad rap in the athletic world, yet they are central to performance. The body even stores them in the liver and muscles as glycogen so they can constantly supply energy.
Raising Healthy Kids Starts in the Kitchen
There’s an art to cooking with youngsters. It’s about sharing favorite recipes. It’s about passing on family traditions. Yet it’s a forgotten art in many households. For busy parents these days, it’s tough to find time to make dinner for a family, much less include kids in the process.