Fitness + Well-Being
The Toned Tummy Toolbox
For the vast majority of us, the hardest weight to keep off are those stubborn pounds around the belly. Worse yet, this fat seems to be the first to come back! While there’s no quick fix for stomach flattening, there are a few things you can do to enhance your efforts to knock off that last bit of stubborn fat.
Isagenix Improves Body Composition During Weight Loss and Long-Term Weight Maintenance
When used as part of a system combining Shake Days and Cleanse Days, Isagenix products improve body composition and contribute to better heart health during weight loss. They also offer better long-term weight maintenance compared to traditional heart-healthy dieting.
Fit After 50: Become a Better Athlete as You Age
The reality for the majority of athletes is that endurance and strength capacities decline with age. In general, you’re more likely to have decreased cardiac output, increased resting heart rate, and a diminished heart function.
Vegetarian Athletes: Are You Giving Your Body the Right Support?
An increasing number of athletes are choosing plant-based nutrition to fuel their bodies. Their reasons can range from health concerns to taste preference. A few athletes even choose a vegetarian diet for performance, considering it a “cleaner” way to fuel their workouts.
Podcast: Get to Know the New IsaLean Bar Dairy-Free
Have you tried the new dairy-free Chocolate Peanut Butter and Chocolate Berry Bliss IsaLean® Bars? Isagenix Product Education Supervisor Sara Richter breaks down what makes IsaLean Bar Dairy-Free a nutritionally sound, complete meal replacement.
Podcast: What Men Should Know About Their Health
Listen up, fellas! You should know more about what you can do to protect yourself against some of men’s top health concerns. Listen in as Isagenix Scientific Advisory Board member Nicholas Messina, MD, shares his simple formula based on the latest scientific research for leading a healthy, masculine-energized lifestyle.