Fitness + Well-Being
How to Outsmart Mindless Overeating
When you sit down to eat a meal, there’s a lot more affecting your eating choices than just your appetite. Subtle surroundings can actually influence how much you eat.
Study: Product B IsaGenesis Supports Healthy Aging
Product B® IsaGenesis® taken on a daily basis boosts the concentration of an enzyme that is regarded as a biomarker of healthy aging, according to a study conducted at Arizona State University (ASU).*
How To Use Whey Thins to Support Your Shake Days and Cleanse Days
Have you been wondering why Whey Thins? are now recommended for Cleanse Days? Isagenix Product Education Supervisor Sara Richter explains the reasoning behind their new classification as a Cleanse Day tool and describes the in-house pilot study firmly supporting their use.
The Toned Tummy Toolbox
For the vast majority of us, the hardest weight to keep off are those stubborn pounds around the belly. Worse yet, this fat seems to be the first to come back! While there’s no quick fix for stomach flattening, there are a few things you can do to enhance your efforts to knock off that last bit of stubborn fat.
Isagenix Improves Body Composition During Weight Loss and Long-Term Weight Maintenance
When used as part of a system combining Shake Days and Cleanse Days, Isagenix products improve body composition and contribute to better heart health during weight loss. They also offer better long-term weight maintenance compared to traditional heart-healthy dieting.
Fit After 50: Become a Better Athlete as You Age
The reality for the majority of athletes is that endurance and strength capacities decline with age. In general, you’re more likely to have decreased cardiac output, increased resting heart rate, and a diminished heart function.