ANSWERED: When is the Best Time to Exercise?
Trainer: Paul Arciero, PhD, FACSM, FTOS Did you know the time of day can impact your results in the gym? Lead researcher Dr. Paul Arciero discusses the findings of a new study that found exactly [...]
Trainer: Paul Arciero, PhD, FACSM, FTOS Did you know the time of day can impact your results in the gym? Lead researcher Dr. Paul Arciero discusses the findings of a new study that found exactly [...]
One of the main reasons people start running is to lose weight. But too often for a variety of reasons they’re unable to shed the unwanted pounds. If you’re looking to make running work for [...]
When you sweat you lose more than just water, you lose vital electrolytes. Refueling and rehydrating after intense training is second nature for some athletes. However, not everyone realizes the importance of replenishing key electrolytes [...]
It’s 30-60 minutes before your workout — that perfect window to reach for your pre-workout supplement. And if you’re drinking either AMPED™ Nitro or AMPED Power, you’ve chosen an ideal pre-workout. Isagenix formulated both AMPED [...]
After exercising, your body ramps up muscle recovery/building processes for approximately 24 to 48 hours (1). To get the most out of your workouts and to support this process, you should be providing your body [...]
With summer just around the corner and many of us pursuing a healthy and active lifestyle, staying hydrated is key. Our bodies are approximately 60% water, so the fluids we ingest play an essential role [...]
If you’ve been hitting the gym yet aren’t seeing the results you want, it might be time to look at your exercise routine. As you put in the hard work and become increasingly fit, it [...]
Supporting muscles during a workout is critical for athletes of all disciplines and important for anyone who wants to push through personal barriers during exercise. Whether you’re a runner looking to improve your marathon time [...]
What is AMPED BCAA Plus? AMPED™ BCAA Plus is an intra-workout supplement that delivers branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, prevent muscle breakdown, and reduce muscle fatigue. When do I use AMPED [...]
Staying hydrated is key to feeling and performing your best, but water isn’t always enough. AMPED™ Hydrate is a refreshing, natural electrolyte drink that replenishes nutrients lost throughout the day and during exercise. Good hydration [...]