Attention, Female Runners: You Need More Iron
Iron deficiency impairs running performance Running a marathon is one of the most demanding endurance events, placing so much of stress on the body that it puts athletes at risk of iron-deficiency anemia, a new [...]
Quercetin for Sport: Why No Athlete Should Go Without It
Athletes need a well-functioning immune system Over the years, thousands of sports supplements have been created and marketed to athletes, but more recently compounds found in plants called phytochemicals are showing great potential in exercise [...]
Melatonin May Have a New Use: Exercise Performance
Any athlete can probably tell the difference in their performance depending on the sleep they got the night before. Proper sleep is a big contributor for recovery from grueling workouts and helps prime the body [...]
Whey Benefits Extend Far Beyond Just Giving You Bigger Muscles
Athletes spend an inordinate amount of time and effort in the name of making progress. But there's one thing every athlete dreads… getting injured or getting sick. This means time off from practices, training and [...]