The Beauty of Muscle

2019-04-25T13:43:01-07:00Athlete Nutrition, Protein|

Muscles are visually pleasing, but they also have a deep inner beauty you should know about. Skeletal muscle is versatile, playing a critical role in movement, posture, breathing, circulation, and temperature regulation. Less known is [...]

Why Whey After Exercise?

2018-03-16T15:41:16-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

When you’re depleted of nutrients after a hard workout, the rate at which you can deliver essential amino acids to your bloodstream could be key to switching on the muscle building process. Because whey protein is [...]

How Much Protein Should Athletes Really Get?

2018-03-16T15:47:02-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

For years, there has been a stigma associating a high protein intake with muscle building and athletic performance. While many sports nutritionists today would agree that optimal protein intake is of prime importance, the fact is that more protein in the diet does not necessarily mean you will build more muscle or see results at a faster rate.
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