Why You Should Train Explosively

2018-03-16T11:20:14-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

New research from Loughborough University in England suggests that workouts using explosive muscle contractions may be a more effective way to increase muscle strength than traditional weight training. Explosive weight training is different from traditional methods of weight training that emphasize slow and controlled movements with sustained muscle contraction.

How to Build Muscle With Isagenix

2018-03-12T08:34:30-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

The actual size of your muscle comes down to a simple equation called “protein turnover,” which is the sum of muscle breakdown and synthesis. When you deprive your body of dietary protein and stop providing a weight-bearing stimulus, you have a negative protein balance, leading to the breakdown of muscle (1).

Podcast: How to Maximize Your Results

2018-03-12T08:34:30-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

Dr. Paul Biondich explains the pros and cons of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), resistance training, and cardio and how to get maximum results from each. He also shares his tried-and-true nutritional protocol that he uses to train his elite athletes.
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