The Circadian Rhythm: Mastering Sleep
As the earth revolves around the sun, there are periods of light and dark. Divided over 24 hours, when we experience daytime and nighttime depends on the time of the year as the earth’s axis [...]
As the earth revolves around the sun, there are periods of light and dark. Divided over 24 hours, when we experience daytime and nighttime depends on the time of the year as the earth’s axis [...] One of the pillars behind many great Isagenix nutritional products are adaptogens. Originating from the Greek word “adapto,” the term adaptogen is applied to plants that produce special substances, allowing them to evolve [...]
Mother Nature has provided plenty of tools for conquering the effects of stress, and you get the best of them with Adaptogen Elixir. Adaptogen Tea Blend To support your body combat the effects of stress and find inner [...]
Stress happens. Mother Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve to help you stay focused and conquer stress, and we’ve bottled them up to create your daily dose of serenity – Adaptogen Elixir™. Sip Your Way to a More Balanced Day Chronic stress affects everything from [...]
You may have heard Sir Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion before – a body in motion stays in motion. Though his law refers to general physics, there is something to be said about how it relates to our physical activity and health. These 8 benefits will inspire you to [...]
There’s no doubt that travel can be amazing, but it can also leave you feeling depleted when you aren’t prepared. If you’re getting ready for a trip, be sure to follow these tips for a [...]
It is quite apparent men face different health issues and needs compared to women. Moreover, these can be different throughout the life cycle. Unfortunately, men have a lot of room for health improvement in the [...]
When you sweat you lose more than just water, you lose vital electrolytes. Refueling and rehydrating after intense training is second nature for some athletes. However, not everyone realizes the importance of replenishing key electrolytes [...]
According to 2019 market research, sales of collagen products grew by almost 83% from late 2018 to late 2019. Unsurprisingly, this growth was within the categories of skin, bone, and joint health (1). While collagen supplement marketing continues to target these health categories, research also shows that collagen supports exercise recovery and helps fight skin aging. Exercise Recovery Collagen’s [...]
When you think of your bones, do you picture a chalky white skeleton? It’s a classic image, but it falls short of representing the dynamic and active tissue that makes up your skeletal system. Your [...]