Why Athletes Should Only Choose Informed-Sport Certified Supplements
https://player.vimeo.com/video/261010402 Dietary sport supplements have gained tremendous popularity in the last several decades and are now an established part of the landscape of modern sport. However, some athletes who take supplements have no clear understanding [...]
Ingredient Spotlight: Plant Sterols
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeDDRgMtV4Y With more than 30 years of scientific research supporting their benefits, plant sterols are an important ingredient for heart health that may reduce the risk of heart disease* by lowering blood cholesterol levels. High [...]
Why Taurine Is Safe and Helps Athletic Endurance and Recovery
Taurine is a natural organic acid that’s central to normal human physiology and found in plentiful amounts in the human body. In fact, it makes up about a gram per kilogram of body weight and [...]
Find Your Balance With IsaFlush
Formulated with minerals and soothing herbal ingredients, IsaFlush® is a natural choice to support a balanced, regular digestive system for a healthy gut. Digestive Balance and Comfort A balanced digestive system enables the body to [...]
Can Kids Use Isagenix?
By Andrea Frank Henkart, MA, CNC Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important for everyone, but children particularly require a range of nutrients for healthy growth and development. A nutritious diet can balance energy, increase [...]
Ingredient Spotlight: Wellmune
The star ingredient in the newly released Immune Shake Booster is Wellmune®*. Wellmune is a 1,3/1,6 beta glucan from the walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or baker’s yeast. With immunomodulating properties, it is backed by over a dozen scientific [...]