Heart Health

Heart Health2022-03-29T10:28:37-07:00


What You Should Know About Controlling Cholesterol

High blood cholesterol can have serious consequences for heart health. You can take charge of your cholesterol levels through healthy lifestyle choices. Cholesterol isn’t all bad. In your body, cholesterol serves several important functions.

Ingredient Spotlight: Plant Sterols

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeDDRgMtV4Y With more than 30 years of scientific research supporting their benefits, plant sterols are an important ingredient for heart health that may reduce the risk of heart disease* by lowering blood cholesterol levels. High [...]

Smart Choices to Help Control Cholesterol

Small changes in your daily routine can go a long way toward helping you maintain healthy cholesterol levels. These are three smart choices that are recommended by the American Heart Association, and other experts, to help manage cholesterol levels and protect your heart health.

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