

Whey Protein Reduces Post-Exercise Eating

December 9th, 2016|

Is having a big appetite after the gym getting in the way of your weight loss? Drinking a whey protein-based shake immediately after working out could help prevent overeating after going to the gym, a small UK study reports.

How Athletes Shred Fat With Alex Mohr

December 1st, 2016|

The most common fat loss-tips won’t work for the average athlete. Isagenix R&D Research Nutritionist Alex Mohr sheds light on how athletes can lose unwanted fat while retaining lean muscle mass. Tune in as Alex educates listeners on the importance of strength training, cardio, and nutrition for athletes and fat loss.

What to Eat On Your Rest Day

November 17th, 2016|

Your rest days are a chance for your muscles and tendons to recover from physical training and also provide a refreshing mental break. Many athletes report feeling more motivated and energized after rest days, so it is important to include them as part of your routine.

When to Use One or Two Scoops of Whey Protein

November 2nd, 2016|

Many athletes are aware of the benefits that come from consuming high-quality whey protein after a workout. Now a new study reports that the amount of protein you should consume post-workout depends on how many muscles you involved during exercise (1).

Why You Should Train Explosively

October 26th, 2016|

New research from Loughborough University in England suggests that workouts using explosive muscle contractions may be a more effective way to increase muscle strength than traditional weight training. Explosive weight training is different from traditional methods of weight training that emphasize slow and controlled movements with sustained muscle contraction.

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