How Athletes Shred Fat With Alex Mohr

2018-03-16T11:05:22-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

The most common fat loss-tips won’t work for the average athlete. Isagenix R&D Research Nutritionist Alex Mohr sheds light on how athletes can lose unwanted fat while retaining lean muscle mass. Tune in as Alex educates listeners on the importance of strength training, cardio, and nutrition for athletes and fat loss.

Podcast: How to Maximize Your Results

2018-03-12T08:34:30-07:00Performance, Team Isagenix|

Dr. Paul Biondich explains the pros and cons of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), resistance training, and cardio and how to get maximum results from each. He also shares his tried-and-true nutritional protocol that he uses to train his elite athletes.
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