Know Your Numbers When Making Additions to IsaLean Shake
Why a Little Sugar in Your Shake is OK
Why does IsaLean Shake contain sugar? It’s one of the most common questions we receive at Isagenix as of late. The answer simply comes down to this: it wouldn’t be a complete meal replacement without [...]
Shake Off The Weight
Essential to successful weight loss and weight maintenance is the adoption of day-to-day dietary strategies that promote a long-term adherence to a healthy diet. This also happens to be where most people get it wrong. [...]
Why Use Whey Protein to Break Your Cleanse Day
One of the principal findings of clinical studies around intermittent fasting with Isagenix-style Cleanse Days is that it can be an efficient method to accelerate fat loss and improve health markers (1-3). However, especially for the physically [...]
Podcast: Shake Days 101
Trainer: Katie Coles, MS, RD, CPT, Research Nutritionist II Are you following the Shake Day Guidebook in your 30-Day System exactly as written? If so, you may not getting the most out [...]
Not All Processed Foods Are Alike
Avoid processed foods. It’s one of the most unchallenged dietary recommendations for anyone trying to lose weight or gain health. The advice is not without good reason, of course. Numerous highly palatable, packaged foods line [...]
Breaking Down Why IsaLean Shake is Best
IsaLean Shake is ahead of the pack when it comes to quality nutrition. Any auto mechanic would recognize that the best cars in the world—a Lamborghini, for instance—are indeed the best because they’re [...]
3 Ways to Gain Healthy Weight
Put on the right kind of weight with Isagenix. Gaining weight can be just as difficult as losing weight—and similar to weight loss, there’s a right way and a wrong way to go [...]
How to Compare IsaLean Shake to Other Shakes
When it comes to the quality and balanced nutrition of IsaLean Shake, there's no comparison. To say there are plenty of options when it comes to meal replacement shakes is somewhat of an [...]