Fitness + Well-Being
Spring Newsletter: Cleansing
The Spring Newsletter is all about Cleansing. Whether your goal is weight loss, overall health, or performance, read about the science behind why Cleansing can help you achieve your goals. In this issue find tips for a successful Cleanse Day and in-depth explanations of what is happening in your body at each stage of the process.
Do You Know If You Have Celiac Disease?
Did you know that even though celiac disease affects only one in 133 people in North America, 83 percent of those people go undiagnosed? For those who might be affected, celiac awareness can be the first step to feeling better as it can take an average length of four years for a person exhibiting symptoms to be diagnosed. The only known treatment for celiac symptoms is a strict diet free of gluten, which is the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley.
4 Things You Need to Know About Dietary Nitrates
Nitrates are compounds found in a variety of foods and are even produced by our own bodies. Most dietary nitrates are derived from vegetables, which soak up nitrogen from the soil and convert it to nitrates in vegetables. Since the complexities of dietary nitrates and their impact on performance can be confusing, we’re breaking down the science of dietary nitrates so that you can understand a little more about the benefits of eating more vegetables:
Why You Need Protein to Stay Stronger As You Age
If you’ve reached your 50s or 60s, your body’s needs for dietary protein may have taken an unexpected turn upward. If you want the same muscle-building response that a mere 10-20 grams of protein could produce in your youth, then new research suggests you’re better off getting 30 or more grams in each meal.
Athletes, You Need More Sleep
Sleep for athletic performance is just as important as your training and nutritional program. Why? It’s because sleep is one of the strongest recovery mechanisms you have when it comes to intense training.
Does Salt Affect How Much We Eat?
People like the taste of junk food. When looking at the basic composition of foods like macaroni and cheese, pizza, French fries, and fried chicken, they are generally fatty, starchy, and almost always salty. Fat and carbohydrate intake offer us energy, yet salt is energy-free.