Fitness + Well-Being
Making Chocolate Work For You, Not Against You
Did you know that chocolate is the most craved food in North America? Chocolate is so popular that 40 percent of women list it as their favorite food. But what some people do not realize is that chocolate can be a valuable weight-loss tool.
How Vitamin C and Citrus Bioflavonoids Protect Healthy Blood Vessels
Healthy blood vessels are critically important to a healthy heart because blood vessels do much more than provide plumbing for blood to circulate throughout the body.
Hit the Weights to Lose the Stubborn Weight
As far as you know, you’re doing everything right to keep losing weight. You’re hitting your calorie and activity targets. You’re on the treadmill every day. You’ve got Shake Days and Cleanse Days down to an art form, and you’re eating balanced meals and controlling your portions while also getting plenty of fruits and veggies daily.
Build Abs Without Breaking Your Back
Are your sit-ups and crunches actually doing you more harm than good? These exercises might put too much resistance directly on the lumbar spine. The result is excessive compressive force that could lead to back injuries (1-2). But sports scientists have identified numerous safe and effective alternatives to common abdominal exercises that tighten and tone without harming the back.
Maximize Muscle Gains With AMPED Recover
The ability to recover from strenuous workouts is critical to anyone that exercises. Faster recovery means the ability to train more frequently and more intensely, resulting in greater performance gains. Whether you’re a runner looking to decrease your marathon time or a figure athlete looking to tone your muscle, you want less soreness coupled with fully recovered muscles.
How Much Water Should You Drink on Cleanse Days?
Water is essential for life. It makes up around 70 percent of our bodies and is one of the most important influences on overall health. Drinking the right amount of water is critical for supporting all of the body’s essential functions, particularly detoxification. So how do you know if you are staying well hydrated, especially on a Cleanse Day?