Fitness + Well-Being2022-05-17T10:21:13-07:00

Fitness + Well-Being

Sculpting Your Rectus Abdominus

As far as workouts are concerned, it’s better to train your entire core rather than just your rectus abdominis, or your “six-pack.” Your core area includes exterior and deep interior muscles that wrap around your sides and travel up and down your back. These muscles not only help you look good, but help keep your posture upright and injury-free.

5 Things You Should Know About Cleansing

The New Year calls for a fresh start and a renewed commitment to reaching your weight-loss, health, and fitness goals. It’s why January is one of the most popular months for performing Isagenix Cleanse Days for getting rid of unwanted pounds and inches.

Power Up Your New Year’s Resolution

At the beginning of every New Year, thousands vow to make the necessary changes in their diets and lifestyles to lose weight. The majority of people neglect the role of regular exercise to help shed the pounds in pursuit of their ideal body weight. Exercise can seem daunting and the sheer amount of time and effort turns many off.

Adaptogens Help You Lift More Weight Too

Athletes who are in the habit of swigging a shot of Isagenix e+ just before workouts or an Ionix Supreme afterward might find that these products are giving them a little extra boost to performance too.

Learn more about products that help you feel better.

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