Fitness + Well-Being
Answers to 10 Nutrition Questions Every Runner Should Know
Whether you are a seasoned runner or just starting out, the question of “what to eat” can be baffling. Depending on the intensity, frequency, and duration of exertion, the specific nutrition needed to properly fuel and aid in performance and recovery changes (1). The following answers will assist in helping you put sound nutrition practices into play. Remember—what you eat and drink can make or break your runs.*
Vitamin D is Crucial for Athletic Performance
By Michael Colgan, Ph.D. Vitamin D has become very sparse in the U.S. food chain. So the only good sources of supply of this very ancient essential nutrient are the manufacture of vitamin D in [...]
Are You Making Sleep A Priority?
Optimal performance and body composition depend on both how long and how well you sleep every night. Consistently missing just one hour of sleep can disrupt metabolism, increase body fat, and blunt important hormones involved [...]
How Much Muscle Can You Build?
Be realistic with the amount of muscle you can build in a short amount of time. We often hear some bold claims about how much muscle people are able to build in a short period [...]
Customizing Shake Days and Cleanse Days
Trainer: Sara Richter, Product Education Coordinator Guides are made for a reason, and provide a pathway to success for many. The Isagenix guides for Shake Days and Cleanse Days achieve just that, success [...]
SPF Use: Why Reapplication Matters Most
People who use a high level of sun protection factor (SPF) tend to spend more time in the sun, but may not reapply their sunscreen as needed. The result is a higher risk of skin [...]