Fitness + Well-Being
A New Way to Age Well
Everybody ages. It’s inevitable and a fact of life. But aging doesn’t have to mean slowing down or settling for less-than-perfect health. It’s time to say goodbye to the ways people have aged in the [...]
Cleanse Your Way to Longevity
Nutritional cleansing has always been a unique part of Isagenix. Routine Cleanse Days are truly at the heart of some of the greatest health benefits attributed to weight loss with Isagenix. Now, recent research at [...]
Podcast: Do Your Joints Hurt? Don’t Put Up With It!
Trainer: Dr. Paul Anderson If your joints hurt, you need to listen to this podcast. Many Americans have a hard time imagining a life without physical discomfort. For those chronically affected, joint [...]
Beware Ingredient Scare Mongering
Sometimes companies resort to frightening people about other companies’ products just to sell their own. Usually the way these tricks are played out is by focusing on single ingredients suggesting they may be harmful in [...]
The Top Four “Ask A Nutritionist” Questions
Trainers: Katie Coles, MS, RD, CPT, Research Nutritionist II & Gillean Barkyoumb, MS, RD, Nutrition Communications Specialist II Isagenix nutritionists Katie Coles and Gillean Barkyoumb get asked a lot of questions about health and [...]
Not All Processed Foods Are Alike
Avoid processed foods. It’s one of the most unchallenged dietary recommendations for anyone trying to lose weight or gain health. The advice is not without good reason, of course. Numerous highly palatable, packaged foods line [...]