Fitness + Well-Being2022-05-17T10:21:13-07:00

Fitness + Well-Being

Podcast: Telomere Science Explained

Trainer: Director of Science Communications David Despain M.Sc. What do shoelaces have to do with your chromosomes? The small plastic piece at the end of your shoelace eventually frays, falls off and weakens [...]

How to Not Stress Over Cortisol

Cortisol isn't always bad, but learn ways to keep it in check. Cortisol is the “stress hormone” with a bad rap. Most people think of it as the evil villain within the body. [...]

Weight Loss After 40

Important information on weight loss after 40, and what to do to maintain healthy weight into middle age and beyond. Weight gain doesn't have to be inevitable with age. If you miss the [...]

Three Ways to Increase Metabolism

Learn the three ways you can increase your metabolism and burn more calories. Now that you’re older, does even looking at a bag of potato chips make you feel fat? Do you feel your energy [...]

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