Fitness + Well-Being
Small Changes That Make Big Differences
Making small changes, such as walking daily, can make a big difference for better health. You might not think much of making small changes in your diet or lifestyle. These decisions are small, [...]
For Faster Recovery, Athletes Should Choose Vitamin D3 Over D2
Athletes need the right kind and amount of vitamin D to recover quickly. Athletes know that icy roads, bitter cold, and sunless days are already enough of a hassle for their performance without [...]
e+ Eases You Through Cleanse Days
e+ and Cleanse Days are a perfect match. When people choose to cleanse, the No. 1 goal they have is to lose weight in a safe, healthy manner. An Isagenix system delivers with [...]
7 Myths About Omega-3s
Don't let these fish oil myths influence your health. Half a century of research has taught us that omega-3s are essential for health. Not a year has gone by without new studies finding [...]
Muscle Up with the “Protein Window”
The right kind and right amount of protein after a workout supports maximal muscle synthesis. You’ve just finished pushing yourself beyond your limits at the gym. It’s that euphoric time when you celebrate [...]
The Whey to Muscle And Youth
Get the right kind and amount of whey protein in IsaLean Pro to maintain muscle as you age. When athletes want to gain an edge, they turn to whey. It’s no secret that [...]