Fitness + Well-Being
Tips for Your Best Cleanse Day Ever
Cleanse Days may not always be easy, but sticking to your Cleanse Days "guns" (habits) will help you to glide right through and be on your way to optimal fat and weight loss, not to [...]
To Exercise or Not to Exercise During Cleanse Days?
One of the main reasons people do Cleanse Days is to accelerate fat loss, and it is well known that exercise can boost these efforts. So it seems intuitive that exercise would be a good [...]
Why B12 In The Right Form Is A Big Deal
Vitamin B12 is the big man on campus. That’s to say that when compared to other vitamins, B12’s chemical structure—containing a bulky metal ion of cobalt at its center—is huge and elaborate. The vitamin, also [...]
What’s a Complete Meal Replacement?
Because they're so convenient and easy to use, meal replacements are perfect tools for achieving weight-loss goals. Unfortunately, some products that claim to be meal replacements are lacking components of a healthy, balanced meal and [...]
CoQ10 Powers Athletic Performance
Why should athletes care about getting adequate amounts of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)? Low amounts of the vitamin-like substance responsible for practically all energy production in the body could severely compromise athletic performance. When athletes train, [...]
Eating a More Alkaline Diet for Bone Health
For several years, there has been discussion about the influence foods can have on the acid-alkaline balance (or pH level) of blood in the body and on health, especially bone health. The theory is that [...]