Fitness + Well-Being
Intermittent Fasting: From the Ancient Greeks to Isagenix
Calorie restriction (CR) has attracted considerable attention from the press and the scientific community. Since the seminal rat studies of Dr. Clive McCay at Cornell University in the 1930s, the benefits of CR like longer lifespans have been demonstrated in laboratory animals while short-term human studies have documents weight loss and metabolic improvements.
Are You Really Fasting on a Cleanse Day?
To get the maximum benefit from intermittent fasting, is it necessary to abstain from everything except water? It’s a common question. Perhaps you’ve been told that a single bite of food will ruin your fasting [...]
Beyond Weight Loss: The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Metabolism and Cellular Health
Intermittent fasting continues to garner attention as a weight loss and anti-aging tool. While these applications are important, researchers are exploring other areas that could have significant health implications and benefits that you might not [...]
5 Science-Backed Benefits of Collagen
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, helping build nearly everything from your bones to your skin. It’s an essential component of connective tissue that provides strength, structure, and resilience throughout your body. [...]
Heart Health: Does Your Diet Make The Grade?
Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death for both men and women. Luckily, cardiovascular-related diseases are some of the most preventable health conditions (1). While working with your health care provider, being [...]
4 Isagenix Products With Collagen
The science supporting the benefits of collagen is no secret. However, not all collagen provides the same benefits. That’s why Isagenix has developed several products containing various types and sources of collagen so you can [...]