Fitness + Well-Being2022-05-17T10:21:13-07:00

Fitness + Well-Being

Heart Health: Does Your Diet Make The Grade?

Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death for both men and women. Luckily, cardiovascular-related diseases are some of the most preventable health conditions (1). While working with your health care provider, being [...]

4 Isagenix Products With Collagen

The science supporting the benefits of collagen is no secret. However, not all collagen provides the same benefits. That’s why Isagenix has developed several products containing various types and sources of collagen so you can [...]

Collagen – Not Just for Women 

Since the time Cleopatra ruled over her Egyptian dynasty 2000 years ago, women have been consuming or applying concoctions to stave off the aging process and beautify their appearance. Fast forward to the current day and skin conscious women now have a myriad of skin-supportive [...]

5 Steps to Creating Collagen Elixir

These days, collagen products are all the rage. With powders, gummies, cookies, and more, the world can’t seem to get enough collagen. For good reason, too — supplementing the diet with high-quality collagen has been [...]

Collagen Elixir FAQ

Is there a difference between hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptides?   There is no difference. Hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptides are two names for the same ingredient. Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that has been broken down [...]

Collagen Elixir Ingredient Breakdown

Collagen Elixir™ is a potent marine collagen supplement infused with vitamin C, minerals, and superfruits like goji and acerola berry to help hydrate and nourish your skin from the inside out. Let’s dive deeper into [...]

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