Fitness + Well-Being
How to Use Protein Pacing for Weight Maintenance
Once you reach your weight loss goals, keep protein pacing part of your plan for long-term, sustainable weight maintenance. As a professor of health and exercise sciences and director of the Human Nutrition and Metabolism [...]
How Athletes Lost Weight, Kept Muscle, and Improved Performance with Partial Intermittent Fasting
In a variety of sports, athletes often seek to lose weight while keeping muscle for a competitive advantage. For example, these can include athletes in any form of fitness competition, bodybuilding, or even combat sports [...]
It’s Never Too Late to Start Exercising for Heart Health
If you have never been someone who exercises regularly but are concerned about your heart health, you may be in luck. New research shows that starting an exercise program in middle age can still help [...]
Older Adults Who Take Curcumin Daily Improve Attention and Memory
A new study suggests that older adults who supplement daily with curcumin improve their memory and attention. You may know curcumin as the active component of turmeric (Curcuma longa) and for giving curry its bright [...]
Podcast: The Science Behind e+
Trainer: David Despain, MS, CFS, Director of Science Communications Learn about the science behind e+ and what makes it different than other energy drinks on the market. David explains how caffeine and [...]
How Much Protein Goes to Your Muscles?
The human body is capable of digesting large quantities of protein, but not all of it is used to synthesize muscle. Following a meal, protein digestion starts in the stomach by pepsin in the presence [...]