Fitness + Well-Being
8 Steps to Safe & Pure Isagenix Health Products
Does your health company offer no compromise quality? Isagenix goes above and beyond to ensure products are safe, pure, and effective—the basis of our no compromise ingredient policy.
Don’t Forget Daily Exercise
While there’s little doubt that a person can be successful with an Isagenix weight loss system alone – as is documented in clinical studies (1-3) – the fact remains that exercise as an added component to your system will make your results more profound.
New to Cleanse Days? Here’s How to Get Started.
An Isagenix Cleanse Day is a type of nutritionally supported fast that is designed to help you feel nourished and energized while supporting health and weight management goals. If you are new to Cleanse Days, you might be surprised at how easy it is to get started.
Exercising to Music Improves Your Workouts
Your exercise playlist doesn’t just make training more enjoyable. It can also improve the quality of your workouts. Recent research has shown that the use of music during exercise can yield long-term benefits through greater frequency and quality of training sessions (1).
Even Your Body Fat Is Healthier When You Work Out
Engaging in regular exercise certainly has an impact on muscle size and fat deposition. Plus, a routine-exercise program gets you feeling and looking fitter more quickly. But only recently have scientists sought to evaluate how training-induced changes in body fat can affect your health.
Shake Up Your Weight Loss Routine With Plant-Based Nutrition
While vegetarian and vegan diets aren’t for everybody, ditching meat in favor of a more plant-based diet might help you achieve your weight-loss goals. Some research supports a link between plant-based diets and a slimmer body.