Fitness + Well-Being
Why You’ll Love Dairy-Free IsaLean Bars (Video)
Now that Isagenix has launched new Dairy-Free IsaLean Bars, we know that you'll want to know all about the good stuff that went into their creation. So we've prepared the short video above to help you get the nutrition details along with answers to some of the more frequently asked questions that we anticipate from our customers.
How You Can Avoid Weight Regain
Weight regain is common among dieters, especially among crash-dieters. Only about 5 percent of those who lose a large amount of weight end up keeping it off for more than a year (1). While those statistics are sobering, there are solutions to avoiding regain.
Stretching Your Age
Flexibility is what helps you perform daily tasks with ease. It’s also one of the greatest determinants of quality of life as you age, yet stretching is one of the most neglected components of fitness. Regular stretching in combination with staying active can help you prevent deterioration of strength and mobility that comes with age.
How Athletes Can Beat the Outside Heat
If you’re caught unprepared, the heat outside can turn a simple jog into a test of will. When you’ve got the sun beating down on you, it’s going to slow you down. But athletes can take steps to acclimatize and bring performance back up to normal.
Best Fat-Loss Tips for Athletes
When it comes to weight loss, athletes have different needs. Unlike the general population, an athlete’s goals are not focused exclusively on weight loss. While it’s good to watch the scale, what is most important is paying attention to body composition and performance markers.
Cyclists, Don’t Ignore Your Core
There’s no question that a cyclist’s legs are the driving force for performance on the bike. When cyclists hit the gym, the focus is generally on workouts that build strength and explosive power in the legs. But the legs can’t work in isolation from the rest of the body. Too often, cyclists fail to devote enough attention to other muscle groups, especially the abdominals.