Fitness + Well-Being
How Athletes Can Beat the Outside Heat
If you’re caught unprepared, the heat outside can turn a simple jog into a test of will. When you’ve got the sun beating down on you, it’s going to slow you down. But athletes can take steps to acclimatize and bring performance back up to normal.
Best Fat-Loss Tips for Athletes
When it comes to weight loss, athletes have different needs. Unlike the general population, an athlete’s goals are not focused exclusively on weight loss. While it’s good to watch the scale, what is most important is paying attention to body composition and performance markers.
Cyclists, Don’t Ignore Your Core
There’s no question that a cyclist’s legs are the driving force for performance on the bike. When cyclists hit the gym, the focus is generally on workouts that build strength and explosive power in the legs. But the legs can’t work in isolation from the rest of the body. Too often, cyclists fail to devote enough attention to other muscle groups, especially the abdominals.
How Calorie Restriction Can Improve Quality of Life
The thought of forgoing food might be enough to make one feel “hangry.” But we have some tips for dealing with that. Yet new research suggests that cutting calories from your diet may not only help you feel a little lighter but also feel better overall (1).
Can You Walk Off Your Age?
It shouldn’t be surprising that walking is good for you, but can it really help you age more gracefully? Growing evidence suggests that by walking as little as 30 minutes every day, most days of week, you can gain a range of mental and physical health benefits.
Runners, Don’t Be Afraid of High Carbs
For endurance athletes, carbohydrate is the main fuel source and continues to be used by the best in the world for better performance. There’s little question that body’s carbohydrate stores are limited and become depleted towards the end of a long run.