Greens FAQ

2022-05-03T10:16:19-07:00FAQ, Featured FAQ Start Here, Product Resources|

What is Greens? Greens is a great-tasting drink mix made from non-GMO vegetables and superfood ingredients, including spinach, kale, and moringa. Greens provide two servings of vegetables with a hint of apple flavor in a [...]

Ingredient Spotlight: Rhodiola rosea

2021-06-28T10:10:26-07:00Ingredients & Quality|

“Arctic root,” “golden root,” and “king’s crown” are just a few of the synonyms for Rhodiola rosea, a small but mighty adaptogenic botanical. While you may not know what makes this beautiful, yellow-flowered plant so tough, its strong, majestic nicknames give a few hints. Rhodiola’s Long History in Scandinavian Folklore and Tradition  Grown in dry mountainous soils across the Arctic region, Rhodiola rosea has been harvested [...]

Ingredient Spotlight: Schisandra Berry

2023-06-20T15:23:28-07:00Ingredients & Quality|

Schisandra chinensis sounds like a new health ingredient about to go viral like echinacea or elderberry. But believe it or not, schisandra has been used for thousands of years. Known as the five-flavored fruit, schisandra has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Today, researchers continue to study what makes this adaptogen so [...]

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