One of the most motivating parts of weight loss is seeing the pounds drop every week, but while you’re celebrating little victories on the scale, you might be losing more than just unwanted weight.
March is the time of year when the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages everyone to celebrate National Nutrition Month®, and this year’s theme, “Put Your Best Fork Forward,” is meant to remind us to make healthier choices, one bite at a time.
Get to know Dr. Paul Arciero the scientist behind the most recent weight maintenance and performance studies conducted at Skidmore College, as well as a new addition to the Isagenix Scientific Advisory Board.
If your goal is weight loss, it can be easy to celebrate when you see the number on the scale fall by a few pounds one day, then worry when the scale jumps by a pound or two the next day. But what do these short-term fluctuations in weight really tell you?
Working out with a partner can help you stay committed and motivated. Whether you are a regular gym-goer or just getting started, working out with a friend could be a big help.
Not convinced?
Cleanse Days are a powerful tool in helping you to reach or maintain a healthy weight. But the science behind Cleanse Days suggests there may be additional benefits for your health beyond a slimmer body.
The most oft-asked questions that nutrition researcher Paul Arciero, Ph.D., gets about eating for weight loss, better health, and athletic performance are usually about “what” and “when” to eat. His answer in every case? Try protein pacing.
Everyone knows that physical activity is important for weight loss, but is just working out on the weekend really enough to get rid of that gut?
There’s surprisingly little research addressing this key question.
What you snack on can make or break your weight-loss goals. New White Cheddar Whey Thins™ are perfect for keeping you on track. Product Education Supervisor Sara Richter explains what to look for nutritionally in a snack and how Whey Thins fit the bill. She also dives into the basics of "protein pacing" and how Whey Thins can be used to support a cleansing protocol for weight loss.
We’re pleased to announce the publication of a new study evaluating Isagenix for weight loss in relation to its association with the release of toxins and reduction of oxidative stress.