5 Tips for Better Cleansing
Having trouble sticking to a Cleanse Day? Listen as Isagenix Dietitian Lindsay Gnant shares her tips and personal strategies to make Cleanse Days your favorite time of the week. By keeping Lindsay’s tips and tricks in mind, you can conquer your Cleanse Day with ease and support others who may experience similar roadblocks.
The Weight-Loss Plateau Breaker
Until now, weight loss has been a breeze. You’ve experienced six to nine months of success with the Isagenix System, and you feel great. But lately your progress has stalled, and it has taken longer than usual to drop even a few pounds, even though you’re following your system correctly.
How To Use Whey Thins to Support Your Shake Days and Cleanse Days
Have you been wondering why Whey Thins? are now recommended for Cleanse Days? Isagenix Product Education Supervisor Sara Richter explains the reasoning behind their new classification as a Cleanse Day tool and describes the in-house pilot study firmly supporting their use.
Isagenix Improves Body Composition During Weight Loss and Long-Term Weight Maintenance
When used as part of a system combining Shake Days and Cleanse Days, Isagenix products improve body composition and contribute to better heart health during weight loss. They also offer better long-term weight maintenance compared to traditional heart-healthy dieting.
How To Maintain Your Weight Loss
There is no greater feeling than seeing the results of your hard earned weight loss. But as Nutrition Communication Specialist Lindsay Gnant M.Sc., RDN. explains, “maintaining is harder than losing weight for a lot of people.” Listen in as Lindsay gives her tips to get out of that “diet” mentality and maintain your results—for life!
Whey Thins Now Approved for Cleanse Days
Go ahead—satisfy your savory tooth on Cleanse Days. Each packet of new gluten-free Whey Thins™ is 100 calories and offers 10 grams of protein that can help ward off cravings on your Cleanse Days.