Fitness + Well-Being
The Science Behind CoQ10
Ever wonder how the food we eat is converted into energy? It’s thanks to a very important substance called coenzyme Q10, also known as coQ10, which is in charge of producing 95 percent of the [...]
Hey, Why Not? Alcohol and Cleansing
Cleansing can take a lot of effort, and all that hard work to improve your health shouldn’t go unrecognized so why not reward yourself on a Cleanse Day with a deserved drink or two, or [...]
Nutritional Strategies for the Injured Athlete
Every time you step on the field, on the track, or in the gym, you’re at risk for injury. Injuries could mean time off from training, loss of progress, as well as the potential loss [...]
Belly Fat Harms Muscle At The Cellular Level
A study of human adipose (fat) cells has found more evidence that visceral body fat found deep in the midsection and around the organs is worse than subcutaneous body fat found just beneath the skin. [...]
Caffeine and Working Out: How All Athletes Benefit from Caffeine
All athletes can benefit from caffeine's ergogenic effects. Many people have experienced the welcomed effects of their favorite caffeine vehicle like coffee or an energy drink pushing them through a long day. However, even amongst [...]
Why Isagenix Works as Long as You Stay On The System
Most diets, at some point, stop working. For dieters, the result then is a perpetual state of “yo-yo” dieting with weight continually going down only to go back up again. But folks who are seeking [...]