Fitness + Well-Being
Quercetin for Sport: Why No Athlete Should Go Without It
Athletes need a well-functioning immune system Over the years, thousands of sports supplements have been created and marketed to athletes, but more recently compounds found in plants called phytochemicals are showing great potential in exercise [...]
Fueling Your Engine: It’s Not All About Diet and Exercise
Athletes need sufficient energy and nutrients to fuel training. Athletes don’t diet and exercise, they train and fuel for performance. Think of it this way: Say you’ve bought yourself an expensive, new car. How often [...]
A Sleep Apnea Doctor Meets Isagenix
If it doesn’t come as a surprise to learn that sleep apnea is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in modern medicine, consider this even more astonishing detail—an estimated 10 million Americans who suffer [...]
Obese Adults More Likely to Lack Vitamins and Minerals
Compared to normal weight adults, obese adults are more likely to lack key vitamins and minerals in their diets, a large new study suggests. Recently published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, [...]
Reach For Whey Over Chocolate Milk After a Workout
As delicious as it might sound, chocolate milk alone can’t replace supplementing with whey protein for athletic recovery. In a new study, researchers found chocolate milk did not enhance muscle hypertrophy following three months of [...]
Download Our New Isagenix 15-Month Skidmore Study Flyer
The results of the latest Isagenix study are finally in! You can download our now updated 15-Month Skidmore Study Flyer with some of the 15-month results. The year-long collaboration with nutrition researcher Paul Arciero Ph.D., of [...]