Fitness + Well-Being2022-05-17T10:21:13-07:00

Fitness + Well-Being

The Ultimate Cleanse Day Prep Guide

Ever wonder how your friends breeze through Cleanse Days while you continue to struggle? Or maybe you’re preparing to complete your first Cleanse Day, but are feeling a bit intimidated. Even if Cleanse Days aren’t a problem for you, you may be wondering how you can better help others make the day a little easier.

Podcast: Staying Healthy for the Holidays

The holiday season is infamous for wreaking havoc on your health and waistline. Manager of Product Education Sara Richter is on the call to share her tips for staying on track through the new year.

A Word About “Diet Review” Sites

It’s easy these days to see how myths spread online. Banking on traffic from social media outlets like Facebook, websites frequently rely on statements that are inflammatory or outrageous to generate the most clicks and the most traffic.

Podcast: What Happens When You Cleanse?

Have you ever wondered what goes on inside your body during a Cleanse Day? Scientists refer to the basic concept behind Cleanse Days as intermittent fasting, and an increasing number of studies have highlighted its potential benefits for health and well-being.

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