Download Our New Isagenix 15-Month Skidmore Study Flyer
The results of the latest Isagenix study are finally in! You can download our now updated 15-Month Skidmore Study Flyer with some of the 15-month results. The year-long collaboration with nutrition researcher Paul Arciero Ph.D., of [...]
Want a Smaller Waist? Look to More Protein
Eating more protein is linked to a smaller waist and better cholesterol levels, a new study finds. Researchers at the US Army Research institute of Environmental Medicine found an association between habitually consuming protein in [...]
Podcast: Diets Fail. Isagenix Works. Here’s Why.
Trainer: David Despain, M.Sc., Director of Science Communications Millions of people each year make the same New Year’s resolution: get healthier through dieting. Sadly, diets fail, and so this resolution’s failure rate [...]
Shake Off The Weight
Essential to successful weight loss and weight maintenance is the adoption of day-to-day dietary strategies that promote a long-term adherence to a healthy diet. This also happens to be where most people get it wrong. [...]
Why Cleansing with Isagenix Works
Even with weight loss clinics readily available, calorie counts on menus, and public policy initiatives aimed at supporting a healthier population, people are struggling to lose weight and keep it off. Of the 45 million [...]
Isagenix – The Resolution That Lasts
If your vision board for 2015 includes pictures of kale, running shoes, and a three-digit number on a scale, you may be setting yourself up for failure. While about 45 percent of Americans make New [...]
Belly Fat Even Worse Than Originally Thought
The type of belly fat that lies deep within the abdomen that surrounds internal organs, also known as visceral fat, is a known danger to health. Now a new study is showing it could be [...]
Podcast: Shake Days 101
Trainer: Katie Coles, MS, RD, CPT, Research Nutritionist II Are you following the Shake Day Guidebook in your 30-Day System exactly as written? If so, you may not getting the most out [...]