The holiday season is infamous for wreaking havoc on your health and waistline. Manager of Product Education Sara Richter is on the call to share her tips for staying on track through the new year.
Ingredient Spotlight: Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha, or winter cherry, is considered one of the most prized Ayurvedic herbs in India, similar to what ginseng is in China. The adaptogen has been used safely for more than 3,000 years in Ayurvedic medicine, a system originated in northern India more than 5,000 years ago.
7 Strategies to Boost Your Energy Levels
There’s nothing worse than finding yourself in that midday slump, feeling sluggish, and struggling to stay alert.
Luckily, Isagenix has an Energy Solution designed specifically to help you keep your energy levels up no matter what your day has in store.
Should You Always Avoid Foods With Long Ingredients Lists?
The length of an ingredient list is probably not the best measure of how a formulated food’s nutritional merit should be judged, but it’s easy to understand why it’s become commonplace.
Study Finds Isagenix Products Improve Men’s Athletic Performance
A new study has found that when physically fit men used Isagenix products to boost their protein intake and improve their nutrition when training, they significantly enhanced their muscular power, strength, aerobic performance, and flexibility.
Stress and Adaptogens: A Historical Perspective
Scientists and health practitioners have long sought to better understand, manage, and prevent the damaging effects of stress on human health. Specifically, by targeting causes of stress whether they are personal, work, or financially related, all humans are subject to the psychological, mental, and physical effects of stress. Excessive or long-term stress can lead to physiological changes that are unhealthy.
Run, Hit The Weights, Sleep Better
If you’re like 40 percent of all Americans, according to a recent Gallup Poll, you’re not getting your recommended seven to nine hours of sleep daily (1). The answer? Run or bike (preferably in the morning) and weight train daily. (It doesn’t matter what time, day or night.)
How to Avoid Catching Contagious Stress
Don't Catch Stress! We’ve all heard that stress is both unhealthy and unavoidable. But did you know that it’s also contagious? New research from The Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and [...]
Athletes, Adapt
During competition, a high jumper may harness adrenaline and nervous energy to increase focus, speed, and force during the jump. Here’s where stress is a good thing. But a little too much stress can cause [...]
Meet the Adaptogens in Ionix Supreme
Stress affects us every day. Whether from work, finances, or relationships, stress can make us feel overworked and overloaded. But stress affects more than just our mental performance. It has real physical consequences, too, and [...]