Should You Weigh Yourself Daily? Considering Both Sides of the Scale
Here it comes, the dreaded scale discussion. And, believe it or not, it’s not going to be that bad. To start, scales are not meant, in any way, to be scary or to haunt you. [...]
Here it comes, the dreaded scale discussion. And, believe it or not, it’s not going to be that bad. To start, scales are not meant, in any way, to be scary or to haunt you. [...]
A mere 15-minute brisk walk is enough to reduce hunger cravings significantly, a new study shows. Dieters are often concerned that exercise will cause hunger and lead to overeating and a stall in weight loss, [...]
Cleansing can take a lot of effort, and all that hard work to improve your health shouldn’t go unrecognized so why not reward yourself on a Cleanse Day with a deserved drink or two, or [...]
A study of human adipose (fat) cells has found more evidence that visceral body fat found deep in the midsection and around the organs is worse than subcutaneous body fat found just beneath the skin. [...]
Most diets, at some point, stop working. For dieters, the result then is a perpetual state of “yo-yo” dieting with weight continually going down only to go back up again. But folks who are seeking [...]
If you’ve ever used an Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning system, then you’re already aware that it’s a clinically supported, effective solution for shedding unwanted belly fat. Now research has uncovered a few extra things [...]
If it doesn’t come as a surprise to learn that sleep apnea is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in modern medicine, consider this even more astonishing detail—an estimated 10 million Americans who suffer [...]
Compared to normal weight adults, obese adults are more likely to lack key vitamins and minerals in their diets, a large new study suggests. Recently published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, [...]
The results of the latest Isagenix study are finally in! You can download our now updated 15-Month Skidmore Study Flyer with some of the 15-month results. The year-long collaboration with nutrition researcher Paul Arciero Ph.D., of [...]
Trainer: Gillean Barkyoumb, MS, RD Registered Dietitian and Isagenix Nutritionist Gillean Barkyoumb shares her Cleanse Day tips with Jill Knight, Kathy Coover’s Personal Trainer. Learn why sticking to a schedule and using [...]